Collaboration. Cooperation. Coordination. Conversations

Societies run on conversations. And really understanding what is going on in our society and how best to fix it requires everyone to be part of these conversations.

The society we live in is faced with complex and inter-related problems that we cannot always know what we think until we articulate our thoughts and ideas, likewise, we cannot form well-judged opinions until we have had the opportunity to engage with others, to learn about their ideas and point of view.

INDIGO and LANTERN create a safe space for the important conversations we need to have as a society.

INDIGO is our green co-working space that provides a hub specifically for researchers while also building a community that produces quality research in Nigeria. We are proud to be the first solar powered shared workspace in Nigeria.

INDIGO is a shared eco-friendly workspace and is home to researchers and architects, artists, psychotherapists, biomedical scientists, urban developers, project managers and others doing amazing research-based work in Nigeria.

Become an INDIGOer 

We welcome researchers and individuals interested in working in a serene environment. These individuals must be focused on personal development as well as  the advancement of society as a whole. 

Apply to be an INDIGOer.

Lantern Labs is our critical thinking workshop series aimed at developing reflective, problem-solving skills that contribute to effective decision making, leadership ability and overall success in life. 

Critical thinking is key for success in life, to have the ability to navigate and thrive in complex environments, identify the best way to tackle issues and work with others towards driving solutions.  Through a series of interactive exercises and group work, participants will gain skills that will elevate their practice and position them on the path for success in their professional and personal lives. 

Can we succeed if our environment suffers? No. The Lantern Labs have embedded within them a core focus on societal change, how we can use the work we do, and the power we have to drive change effectively. We all can do something, and the more organized and focused we are, the more powerful the change we can drive is.

Topics Covered

  • Critical Thinking
  • Creative Thinking
  • Design Thinking
  • Societal Change
  • Collective Action
  • Success in Life

By the end of the workshop series, participants will have developed these 12 core skills: advocacy, analytical, communication skills, creative intelligence, decision-making, emotional intelligence, goal-setting, negotiation, problem identification and problem-solving, research, self-awareness and team-work.
